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Marine DILLY
Head of Human Resources
Terrena Meunerie


" Working in our company is a unique experience where the passion of our millers shines and inspires all our teams.

We are committed to using quality raw materials, proud to contribute to the production of healthy and delicious products for our families.

Our objective is to guarantee each employee a place of choice within our organization, by encouraging them to be proactive and to play a central role in our business project.

The core values ​​that define our corporate culture serve as our daily guide, ensuring consistency and integrity in all our actions.”

5 Good reasons

for joining Terrena Meunerie


Choose a company with human values

Key principles, which guide our corporate and managerial policies :

  • Respect and consideration
  • Customer culture
  • Commitments and social responsibility
  • Creation of long-term value

Enrich your skills

Develop your professional expertise with training leading to a diploma or certificate, such as the professional ‘grain processing facility operator’ qualification delivered by our in-house instructors and recognised throughout the industry.


Manage your career

In joining TM, a subsidiary of TERRENA with nearly 13,000 staff, you have the opportunity to develop in a wide variety of fields, and will enjoy many gateways for inter-professional career moves.


Be part of a company committed to sustainability

Embrace a corporate vision which places people and nature at the heart of its concerns, by fostering equal opportunities and individual fulfilment.


Work in a caring professional environment

Safety at work is one of our priorities. Since it is our duty to protect our employees and preserve their health, we strive everyday to provide a safe and caring environment; according to employees, this contributes greatly to creating well-being at work.

Index Egalité Homme Femme Terrena Meunerie 2022

Index of professional equality: MEASURE TO PROGRESS!

Results of our indicators on gender equality in the workplace:

Difference in the distribution of individual increases F-M                         25/35

Rate of employees increased upon their return from maternity leave:     15/15

Gender distribution of the 10 employees with the highest salaries            0/10

F-M compensation gap                                                                                 not calculable

Our agreement on professional equality and opportunities signed on 04/12/2020 should allow us to progress in terms of professional diversity.
For illustration :

At the parenting level, we offer future mothers the possibility of reducing their working hours and taking time off to carry out the mandatory prenatal consultations without taking leave.

For new mothers, we offer CESU checks to allow a better work/personal life balance.
We support future and new mothers by promoting handovers before leaving on leave and on their return.

At the training level, we work to enroll our employees in managerial training and adapt the training according to the constraints of family life.

All of our managers were trained in non-discrimination in 2021.


In terms of equal pay, we are vigilant to reduce the gender gap.

Our recruitment, job and skills management and compensation policies are based on sharing common values, skills assessment and commitment, beyond the gender of the candidate/employee.


Plus d'information sur le site du ministère de l'intérieur :

Our job Vacancies

What are you waiting for?

Each year, TM recruits 25 talented people on average to participate in its development. Here are our current vacancies:

Our clients are recruiting

No offers at the moment.

Can't find what you are looking for ?

Terrena Meunerie regularly recruits a variety of profiles,
Do not hesitate to apply spontaneously or to regularly consult our Linkedin page.

Other opportunities to seize on:

The advice of our recruiters

Just for you, a few “tips & tricks” to put the odds in your favor when you apply.

Une question, une candidature spontanée ?

Laissez-nous votre message nos équipes vous recontacteront dans les plus brefs délais.